Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We went out for Hotpot with Vita and Owen on Tuesday night, so here are a couple of pics and a few more of Marcus as well.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007

Marcus Having a great bath on 26th January.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Marcus had a ride with Vita on the new High Speed Train this week!

Shareen, Enya and Jean also came to see Marcus and brought him a chocolate cake.

And this is just Marcus being his usual cute self.

Marcus is tring to squash Daddy's tummy.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Latest pictures of Marcus over Christmas and the new year.

Being ridiculously cute as always!

Playing with Aunty A-Lan at the restaurant on New Years Day

With Hai- Chuan's family at the restaurant

Happy with Hai-Chuan and family

Marcus in the bath reading his first Bathtime book from Aunty Clare, thank you Clare, he loves it!

Marcus taking a very short walk accross the bed, he stood up for a few seconds, took a step or two and then fell over! Look at the size of those thighs!

Marcus having a nap on the sofa with Daddy on New years Day, Both very tired.

Marcus showing his shiny fromt teeth.